Tweet20 # 15 - Yep, that's the logo and it's exactly what you think it is. |
Now it's time for the monthly round of news that didn't fit and/or didn't have time to write.
- 3DS Ambassador Program: Started a day early, and seriously needs a "download all" button. Now I get to play 8-bit games on my fancy 3D system... in 2D!
- Also Concerning the eShop: Still think a lot of games cost too much, especially given their age and lack of colors. Even some full-color iPhone games are $0.99!
- West Coast has the Cons: Between E3, Comic Con, and PAX, I wonder why I'm still on the east coast, because our cons just aren't the same.
- PS3 Price Drop: PS3 gets a price drop, so now what Microsoft? Unless you need Halo or the Kinect, the PS3 is the obvious buy now.
- But What About Nintendo?: With Mario 3DS, Mario Kart 7, Zelda, Kid Icarus, and Kirby out before the holidays, it's time to remember that you own a Nintendo system.
- In the "Do I Need It?" Department: Zelda: Skyward Sword now has a gold Wiimote Plus with the Triforce on it... the fine line between wanting it and not needing it.
- Also in the Same Department: Assassin's Creed: Revelations Collector's Edition includes an Ezio
doll action figure, not sure if worth the extra $40.
- Humble Indie Bundle 3: A great success! Over $2 million! Sort of wish I paid more than I did. Next time.
- Osmos: Good game, however my ADD and impatience kick in fairly quickly on some levels and have limited my progress in the game.
- Cogs: Reminds me of an old computer game I played at school called Gizmos and Gadgets. Anyone ever hear of this?
- Revenge of the Titans: My refusal to step down the difficulty and some bad upgrade choices caused me to start levels over many, many times.
- My Metroid VVVVVV Level: Progressing slowly, most of Kraid's Lair mapped, though the tough part is making the puzzle elements. Demo following next game patch.
- Also by Terry Cavanagh: Just played his 2009 game Don't Look Back - beautiful, haunting, especially the moment the game's title made perfect sense.
- Reboot Syndrome: Seeing way too many of these lately, and I just don't get the point of the new Spyro. The franchise should have stayed with Insomniac.
- Mario with a Portal Gun: First just a parody video, now (hopefully) becoming an actual game. Looking forward to this! Especially multiplayer.
- Good Thing I Waited: Uncharted 1 & 2 are now in a dual-pack to get people like me up to speed. More to the backlog!
- Something I'll Get Around to... Eventually: Reception of Deus Ex: HR is great, so I should probably play the original before adding yet another game to the backlog
- No Wonder I Couldn't Remember: In retrospect of this post, I fired up Final Fantasy II and I apparently never entered the final dungeon. Why did I stop so close to the end?
- Happy 25th Anniversary, Metroid!: Doesn't seem like Nintendo is going to acknowledge it at all. Poor Samus, all alone on her anniversary.
- Didn't Forget About You: I haven't played Pokemon White in a while, though I still need to finish all of the post-game stuff. I was very distracted.
You haven't played Uncharted yet? Ahh you got to get to that haha.
ReplyDeleteThe Zelda controller is beyond badass. I'm getting it, then again I'm a huge Zelda fanboy so yeah...
ReplyDelete@Bitt3r - Well, my birthday is at the end of this month, so I'm hoping for the Uncharted as a gift from someone. ^_^