Peach and Bowser invite you in to the NYCC Wrap-Up Post! |
After all of my anticipation, my single-day excursion to New York Comic Con has sadly come to a close. It was a lot of time, preparation, and money, but in all it was an enjoyable experience. I'm going to split my wrap-up into several posts, and place emphasis on my personal experience rather than the entirety of what occurred at the show (since other news outlets already have all that covered).
Soon after I purchased both my Saturday NYCC pass and bus ticket and knew for sure that I was able to go, I decided that I wanted to make the most out of my experience and become a first-time cosplayer (everyone has to start somewhere, right?) It was a relatively easy decision for me: be a member of the Brotherhood of Assassins from the
Assassin's Creed universe. (Or should I call it Sisterhood of Assassins?) I largely based the costume design off Ezio's outfit with a little feminine touch in places. I made some Etsy purchases (corset and ruffled shirt) and bought vinyl boot tops; the rest of the outfit I made myself. This required learning how to sew and making my own patterns after I found several YouTube tutorials to not be very helpful at all (conclusion: guys do not know how to sew, much less give instructions). I must say, I rather liked how my cape and hood turned out.
Unfortunately I don't have pictures of me actually at NYCC, so this is all you're going to get. |
After getting off the bus, it didn't take long for me to figure out that I was going to right direction as I formulated a simple strategy: follow M. Bison! I knew I was getting closer when I noticed more and more people in costume and the crowd was gradually getting bigger. I thought that by already having my badge I would have no trouble getting in quickly, but I was sorely mistaken. I was greeted by a gigantic line that made a loop around the back of the convention center. When I finally turned around at the halfway point I left out a huge sigh of relief. At least the line kept moving so I was only in line for about 15 minutes or so.
Just the beginning of the line. To the left, the Street Fighter group I followed most of the way (Akuma, Juri, and M. Bison). |
After I put on the rest of my costume and went to coat check, I was immediately lost in the crowd. I saw so many fancy outfits in a blanket of Marios, Batmans, Wonder Womans, and a great Mr. T carrying a cannon and yelling at people. My personal pick for most disturbing costume of the day: a very hairy man as a pregnant Wonder Woman. I have no pictures of him as I think the image in your head may be more disturbing than it actually was. I grabbed a guidebook, but I didn't analyze it too much as I headed straight for main show floor.
I pity the fool who did not come to Comic Con! |
I took approximately five seconds of my time to analyze the map of the show floor and just decided to jump right in. On my way in and walking around the floor I was asked to stop for pictures alone and with people. It was a strange feeling, but I guess I should expect it if I'm dressed up at a convention. I made my way over to the Ubisoft area where there was an
Assassin's Creed Revelations multiplayer tournament going on, people showcasing their dance moves for
Just Dance 3 and the
Black Eyed Peas Experience, and the gorgeous
Rayman Origins section was all decked out in a neat jungle theme.
Close by was Nintendo's booth where people could get their hands on
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Super Mario 3D Land,
Kirby's Return to Dreamland, among others. Given how long the lines were to play
any game I was interested in, I had to resist my urge to play and remind myself how I only have one day at this event and I want to see as much as possible. I ran around between many other booths, most seemed to be shops where I needed to contain myself from buying everything in sight. In all of my running around and shoving through the crowds like a good assassin, I wasn't paying attention to the time a whole lot until I realized I had to hurry up and make it to... Speed Dating! Gasp! But I'll go on about that in part two. See you next post!
"Waddle Dee has a spear? THAT'S SO AWESOME! I love all of the main characters!" - overly excited teenager |
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