#19 - One of the weirder moments of "Brawl in the Family" when Waluigi takes over the strip. |
The scheduled last day of September post of news that didn't fit is
a day two days late. Darn you internet service provider for deciding not to work during the brief amount of time I want to do something productive online! Enough ranting, on to the tweet-sized briefs:
- How the Mighty Have Fallen - I don't know what happened to Silicon Knights, but the very negative reaction to X-Men Destiny may do the once-acclaimed company in.
- Because, Honestly - Bad licensed games are inexcusable when games like Batman: Arkham Asylum and Arkham City exist.
Humble Indie Bundle - I'm a sucker for these ever since I bought a new laptop, though my backlog keeps growing.
- World of Goo - I already own it for PC and Wii, but I couldn't resist buying it on sale for 99 cents for iOS.
- Black Friday - Already making my list of game deals I want to look for with all of the major releases this year and around the holiday season
- Assassin's Creed Revelations - Delayed on PC until December, so I can either see if there's a PS3 Black Friday deal or actually give myself time to finish Brotherhood.
- Well, What About Assassin's Creed II? - I seriously have no idea why it's taking me so longer to finish - no, yes I do. My mouse moves to TF2, and a quick round turns into hours.
- New York Comic Con - It's just two weeks away, so I have little time to decide on what panels I want to go to - so many options!
Playstation Vita Battery Life -3-5 hours for games with bluetooth off, headphones instead of speakers, default brightness, and 3G or WiFi off. So how long otherwise?
Dust off that 3DS - Zelda: Four Swords is a free download for DSi/3DS systems, though WiFi multiplayer is sorely absent.
- Almost Played Pokemon White Again - But I got distracted by all of the other games that I never started or even installed. My Pokemon probably won't recognize me anymore.
- Gesundheit! - I mentioned it earlier, but this iOS- exclusive game is a real gem that is both disgusting and cute. Buy it! It's cheap!
- Cosplay - So this weekend I'm attempting to make a video game related costume as Halloween is fast approaching. Can you guess what it is?
- You Can't Handle the Truth - As his CoD skills were deficient, a 46-year-old tracks down his 13-year-old nemesis and attacks him. If you can't take him out one way...
- Old Games - It's time to make a hard decision on what games from the last four generations I'll definitely never play again and downsize.
Final Fantasy II- I questioned why I never finished the game when I was so close to the end, then I remembered how much I hated the leveling system.
- Final Fantasy IV DS - I finally started this remake, though it's weird hearing voices from these old characters. The pace seems slower too, but I'll give it time.
A Lot of Kirby - After no entirely new games for a few years, three new Kirby games are released in a one-year window. Hooray for the little pink puffball!
- Brawl in the Family - My current favorite gaming web comic, even when it's just cute instead of funny. Nintendo and Kirby haters need not apply.
- Not My Prince - Recently saw the Prince of Persia movie and I still think Jake Gyllenhaal was horribly miscast. Would I feel that if I didn't love the game?
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