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Stare deep into my magnificent beard! |
I had originally intended to write an E3 wrap up post, but all of the major news outlets already have that covered. So for this post I'm going to cover random gaming topics from E3 and beyond, all while limiting myself to Twitter's 140 character limit.
Wii U: Giant controller. No multi-touch. Third party games coming after other systems. Jumping gun on the next gen? Could go way of the Dreamcast.
3DS system update: Should have been there since launch. 3D trailers are cool. Excitebike is still difficult, reminds me of this. Needs more games in eShop.
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D: Finally gives many people a reason to buy a 3DS. Robin Williams has a tremendous beard, and apparently a daughter named Zelda. Out 2morrow
Metroid 3DS: Does not exist, though Other M's failure may have killed a new Metroid in development. Now I can write that post on what I'd like to see.
Kid Icarus Uprising: Still waiting on this game, though I'm not too sure about the AR card battle element to it - hopefully I can ignore it.
Super Mario: The Tanooki suit is back! That makes me very happy. ^_^
Animal Crossing: Brings back memories of 9th grade and how missing a special event could ruin everything. The taller human characters look weird now.
Luigi's Mansion 2: And Luigi's still horrified at everything. No surprise there.
PS Vita: WiFi model priced at $250. Nintendo, you better watch out.
Uncharted 3: Makes me want to play the first two games, which apparently I should.
PS3 Price Drop: Nothing official yet, though retailers offering $60-$100 gift cards with purchase in recent weeks hint at one.
Proud New PS3 owner: That would be ME! Got in on Amazon's $200 Lightning deal. Now to get some games, though there are many options. Suggestions?
Move: Naw, I still don't care.
Halo 1 Remake: Seriously, who DIDN'T see this one coming?
Duke Nukem Forever: Forever stuck in the 90's. Bet you never thought it was ever going to be released.
Alice: Madness Returns: Curiouser and curiouser, that's me, as I'm currently working on an Alice project for a professor, though I'll wait on a price drop.
Assassin's Creed Revelations: The trailer is damn sexy. Currently making my way through AC2 and enjoying every minute of it. Looking forward to this!
So what's your thoughts on E3 and everything else that's been going on recently?
Totally agree that the 3DS update should have been there since launch. That's one of the many reasons that make the system feel rushed to me. And in terms of the eShop, I feel like it also needs a better pricing structure. Don't get me wrong-- I understand having $10+ games when the depth/scope warrants it, but Nintendo needs to consider the average consumer. The average gamer that they're trying to reach (like they did with Wii and DS) aren't really into those experiences so much. Since the iPod incidentally became a gaming device, the majority of consumers seem to love small/short games like Angry Birds and Tiny Wings. They sell millions of copies. Nintendo can say Apple isn't their competitor all they want, but they need to consider that handheld gaming has changed since the DS was released.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, looking back, do you have any thoughts on the 3DS price drop? Do you think it will change Sony's plans with Vita? I finally caved and bought a 3DS before the price drop so that I could get the 20 free games. I was SO against getting one, too. :P
ReplyDeleteI think that the prices on the eShop need to be cut, especially the original Gameboy games given how short most of them are how they're in black and white! Also for comparison, Plants vs. Zombies in the eShop is $7.99, while the iPhone version is $2.99.
It was reported that the 3DS only cost Nintendo around $100 to make, so even with the price cut they still make money (hardware-wise) on each console sold. I wouldn't be surprised if Sony priced the Vita to be competitive with the 3DS and is actually taking a hit with each handheld sold. I bet they weren't counting on Nintendo dropping the price so soon. We'll see how much Sony needs to worry once Nintendo gets all of their holiday games out.