Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday Special: Max's Severed Head

"Wednesday Special" is a post scheduled for the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month. It is always something sort, possibly sweet, and usually accompanied by images or videos.

"I will make hat from you, little bunny."
It's currently after 10 PM and The Cave is slowly downloading on Steam. By the time it finishes, it will be beyond an acceptable time to start playing a brand new game. (Unless I want to be a zombie at work in the morning.)  And then it hits me: it's time to do a blog post!  And I missed Monday's post!  Oops... so much for that schedule.  I suppose I could just make it up on this coming Monday.  But today is the fourth Wednesday, which means I can do a quick 'n easy post!

I love exploring Etsy and Pinterest for all things geekery.  Granted, there's a lot out there on the good ol' internet that is just plain terrible, but every so often I find items for sale where I yell, "I WANT THAT!"  A seller on Etsy created an incredibly accurate Max's Severed Head hat for all of your dual Sam & Max and Team Fortress 2 cosplay needs.

Max's hollowed out skull will set you back $40 plus shipping, which may seem expensive, until you compare it to the market value of the rare TF2 in-game hat.  According to the TF2 Spreadsheet, Max's Severed Head is worth at least 50 crate keys.  So if you either buy the keys from a player for $1.50 each or directly from Valve for $2.50 each, you're looking at minimum value of $75 for a virtual hat.  I'd much rather have the real hat.

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